Kent Christopherson

Kent Christopherson

Company: Orchard Therapeutics

Job title: Executive Director & Head of Global Medical Affairs


Kent is Executive Director and Head, Global Medical Affairs at Orchard Therapeutics, a biotech company dedicated to unlocking the curative potential of hematopoietic stem cell – gene therapy for the benefit of individuals, families, and society. He is an accomplished medical affairs leader with >20 years of relevant experience and multiple successful product launches within rare and ultra-rare diseases. In his current role, he brings substantial real-world experience to bear on the ever-evolving therapeutic landscape of gene therapy for the treatment of severe genetic diseases. He specializes in creation, development, and strategy of highly motivated and effective medical affairs teams.


Industry Leader’s Fireside Chat: Overcoming Current & Future Challenges in Cell & Gene Medical Affairs 9:00 am

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day: Conference Day One

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